Blog of Rob Galanakis (@robgalanakis)

Mike Bland’s profound analysis of the Apple SSL bug

Mike Bland has done a series of articles and presentations about the Apple SSL bug over on his blog. To be frank, it’s pretty much the only good coverage of the bug I’ve seen. He’s submitted an article to the ACM; crossing my fingers it gets printed, because it’s an excellent analysis. I’ve been frustrated it hasn’t gotten more traction.

Mike’s take is that this bug could have easily been caught with simple unit testing. It’s sad this has been so overlooked. We gobble up the explanations that do not force us to confront our bad habits. We can point and laugh at the goto fail (“hahaha, never use goto!”), or just shrug at the merge fail (“we’ve all mistakes merging”). It’s much more difficult to wrestle with the fact that this error- like most- is because we are lazy about duplicating code and writing tests.

I have no problem categorically saying anyone who doesn’t blame the SSL bug on lack of automated testing and engineering rigor is making excuses. Not for Apple but for his or herself.

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