Blog of Rob Galanakis (@robgalanakis)

goless 0.7 released, with Python3 support and bug fixes

goless version 0.7.0 is out on PyPI. goless facilitates writing Go language style concurrent programs in Python, including functionality for channels, select, and goroutines.

I forgot to blog about 0.6 at the start of July, which brought Python 3.3 and 3.4 support to goless (#17). I will support pypy3 as soon as Travis supports it.

Version 0.7 includes:
– A “fix” for a gevent problem on Windows (socket must be imported!). #28
– Errors in the case of a deadlock will be more informative. For example, if the last greenlet/tasklet tries to do a blocking send or recv, a DeadlockError will be raised, instead of the underlying error being raised. #25
– goless now has a small exception hierarchy instead of exposing the underlying errors.
– Better PyPy stackless support. #29 can be called with (case1, case2, case3), etc., in addition to a list of cases (ie, ([case1, case2, case3])). #22

Thanks to Michael Az for several contributions to this release.

Happy concurrent programming!

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